Arrivals for accommodation at CTU dormitories

The dates of regular arrivals for accommodation in the dormitories are stated in Accommodation Schedule for the relevant academic year see Price list and Documents.

Further information on arrivals are stated in the document Procedures and Rules of accommodation in the dormitories of the SFA CTU in Prague, part V. see Price list and Documents.

Documents you need to submit when you arrive for dormitory accommodation:

  • persons who are not Czech citizens should submit either their passport or residence permit, and should also submit a personally filled in and signed registration document for the needs of the Czech Foreign Police (see Price list and Documents);
  • 1 x passport-sized photo for setting up an accommodation ID card (known as “kolejenka”);
  • for persons under 18 years of age, a Declaration of Honour (sworn statement) of the legal guardian consenting to accommodation (the following form can be used for this: Price list and Documents, and the legal guardian’s signature must be officially verified (by an authority, at Czechpoint, etc.);
  • • confirmation of university studies (no older than 14 calendar days), CTU students can demonstrate this through a record in ISKAM4; the confirmation of studies may be submitted later, see Rules and procedures of accommodation.

CTU students have their details automatically uploaded to ISKAM4: in this case, confirmation of studies is not submitted. If the data is not uploaded in ISKAM4 for any reason, the student should show a valid CTU ID card or a current issued confirmation of study (no older than 14 days). If the student (including at a university) does not show that they are currently studying when arriving for accommodation, they need to show confirmation of studies latest at the day stated In rules, and from the date of arrival for accommodation they will be charged the dormitory fee (price for students university); you can also send confirmation of studies by e-mail to the dormitory economic manager directly, in which case an e-confirmation with the school’s electronic signature or a scan of your original confirmation of studies is sufficient. If the accommodated person does not submit confirmation of studies, i.e. they do not submit it in person or by e-mail to their particular dormitory economic manager, they will be retroactively charged the full accommodation price (price for a non-student) from the date of arrival at the accommodation and the accommodated person shall pay the full accommodation price until they submit confirmation of studies;

CTU graduates
CTU graduate may remain accommodated at SFA CTU dormitories for a period of 5 years following completion of studies at a reduced price see Price list and Documents and in this case they should submit a copy of their CTU diploma (can also be sent by e-mail); a copy of the diploma can be submitted/sent by e-mail even later within the deadline stated in Rules and procedures of accommodation.

Accommodation Agreement and other documents
Upon arrival at their dormitory accommodation, the accommodated person signs an Accommodation Agreement with SFA CTU (the text for familiarization is published on Price list and Documents). The rules of accommodation in the dormitories are governed by the General Terms of Accommodation, which become binding for the accommodation guests upon signing the Accommodation Agreement, as well as the House Rules of the dormitories. They also sign an Addendum to the Accommodation Agreement regarding insurance of property brought with them; the insurance premium is paid along with the first accommodation payment to the amount in the price list see the Pricelist of refunds, fees, lump sum payments, penalties and other services and is valid for the entire academic year whereas the insurance premium is non-refundable.

Payments of accommodation for the first month
Upon arrival at the accommodation, the accommodated person receives information on the cost of accommodation for the first month of accommodation and the cost of other fees especially insurance. The price for accommodation, insurance premiums and other specified fees will be paid by the person staying at the dormitory upon starting accommodation or by the deadline stated in Rules and procedures of accommodation subject to the loss of the discounted price of dormitory fees in the event of non-compliance with the deadline.

Later arrivals to accommodation
In the event that an accommodation applicant with an assigned place and thus entitled to accommodation is unable to arrive for accommodation at the standard time, they should inform us in writing of this fact by e-mail at ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz and then arrive at a separate date agreed upon individually. In such a case, the price for accommodation is paid from the last day of the regular arrival dates for accommodation in the dormitories. In the event that the allocated place is forfeited and the applicant loses the right to the accommodation place, see the cancellation conditions regarding the reservation deposit Price list and Documents. In the event that accommodation entitlement begins after the date standard accommodation arrivals takes place see Accommodation Schedule, the date of accommodation arrival will be agreed upon individually by e-mail at ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz when application is made with the SFA CTU accommodation management division by e-mail.

Arrivals to accommodation for some categories
Students (only Czech citizens) with year-round accommodation and the same accommodation place as the previous year can sign an accommodation agreement and other documents necessary to arrive earlier than regular arrivals terms upon agreement with the economic manager of their particular dormitory; in this case the accommodated person need not turn up for standard accommodation arrival at the dormitory.