Lease of sports facilities

Strahov site, Vaníčkova 315/7, 160 17 Prague 6 (map)

Podolí site, Na Lysině 12, 140 00 Prague 4 (map)

Bubeneč site, Terronská 1023/28, 160 00 Prague 6 (map)

The CTU Service Facilities Administration has premises and facilities which can be used for various sports activities, primarily intended for accommodated students. Accommodated students can take advantage of a number of sports fields suitable for ball games, tennis courts, etc. If sports facilities are not being fully used by students, the facilities can also be used by others wishing to lease them out.

Contacts and booking sports facilities

Strahov site

Orders by agreement: tel.: +420 234 678 368, strahov-areal [at] cvut [dot] cz
Orders - cash pament: gatehouse block 9, tel: +420 234 678 209

  • playground opening hours 6:00 – 22:00 

Podolí site

Reservations for those staying Podolí site reception, tel: +420 234 678 450

  • playground opening hours  8:00 – 20:00 – daytime
  • playground opening hours 20:00 – 22:00 – nighttime

Bubeneč site

Reservations for those staying at the Bubenečská dormitory at the dormitory reception or by phone: +420 234 678 420

  • in operation from 1/5/2024 – 30/11/2024 (not in the winter months)
  • playground opening hours 10:00 – 20:30 – daytime only

Price list

Sport Facilities Price List

Valid from January 1, 2022
The give prices are in CZK incl. of VAT per hour (including renting the net) Other sports: soccer, handball, basketball, volleyball, foot tenis. On all Fields it is possible to use only shoes with a smooth sole, i.e. “without studs“. The only exception is field number 1 at the Strahov Dormitory where it is possible to use shoes designed for artificial grass – turf shoes, football shoess.

  CTU's students and employees Others
  Daily operation
Evening operation
Daily operation
Evening operation
Strahov Dormitory
Field no. 1 (3rd
generation surface –
only for football)
260 340 370 470
Tennis 130 160 200 320
Other sports 150 210 270 370
Tennis wall
80 110 140 190
Beach volleyball 120 200
Podolí Dormitory
Tennis 130 160
Others Sports 150 210
Bubeneč Dormitory
Others sports 150


We accept sports reservations