Here we endeavour to respond to some frequently asked questions. If you still cannot find an answer to your question, send an e-mail to the Accommodation Department – ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz (ubytovani[at]cvut[dot]cz). Don’t hesitate to do so: your question may be important for other students too. When you contact us, our answer to your question will soon appear on this page. You can communicate with us in Czech or English.

Dormitory accommodation

Who can receive accommodation in CTU dormitories?

Full-time university students. Students of other forms of study at university, students attending educational facilities other than universities, including students on a placement or exchange trip, for whom a specific accommodation contract is utilised, as well as graduates of CTU in Prague

How and when are applications for dormitory accommodation submitted?

You can apply for accommodation at CTU dormitories 24/7 all year round. All applicants must fill in a dormitory application in ISKAM4 a non-refundable fee for the submission and processing of your accommodation application to the sum determined in the List of Payments.

How do I log in to the ISKAM4 accommodation system?

Anyone not studying at CTU needs to register for ISKAM4. CTU applicants who have applied for study will use their e-mail address specified in the study application as their login and the study application number as their password. CTU students can log in to ISKAM4 using their CTU user name and password. All persons can log in using their e-mail address as detailed in ISKAM4 and the ISKAM4 password they set up when registering.

What documents do I need when I arrive for accommodation at the dormitory?

A state ID card or passport. For persons who are not citizens of the Czech Republic, a passport or residence permit and a personally filled in and signed registration document; 1 x passport photograph.

Can I arrive outside the dormitory’s office hours?

Standard accommodation always takes place on working days during operating hours. In exceptional circumstances can come to stay outside operating hours but you must always agree in advance with your economic manager. Internships on CTU placement can be accommodated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during regular arrivals in accordance with the Schedule of Accommodation.

Can I keep pets at the dormitory?

You are not allowed to look after dogs, cats or other animals at the dormitory, or take them there. The head of the dormitory can make an exception on the basis of a written request from the accommodated person submitted alongside his or her roommates’ consent. The head of the dormitory will request from the accommodated person confirmation from a vet that the animal is in good health (no older than one calendar month) and is safe to be looked after. The fee charged for an animal is given in the List of Payments.

Can Can I live alone in a double room?

“Single use” accommodation in CTU dormitories is permitted only after processing all accommodation applications for the given academic year. “Single use” accommodation is permitted for the period stipulated in the Schedule od Accommodation (We are working on the English translation of the document.) “Single use” accommodation is under the full authorities of the managers of individual dormitories. “Single use” accommodation is provided to persons who apply for it in writing (the application form is available from the economic manager of your dormitory), who then reside alone in a two-bed room for 1.7 times the standard accommodation price. You cannot apply for “single use” accommodation in three- or four-bed rooms. If you want to cancel your “single use” accommodation, you must do this in writing and submit it to your dormitory’s economic manager. You should include in your application your name, birth number (or date of birth for foreigners), a request to cancel your “single use” accommodation and what date you want it cancelled on, the date you are submitting your application and your signature.

Can I change my room within the same dormitory/another dormitory?

You can change your room within a single dormitory after discussing the matter with the dormitory economic manager. You can only change your room between dormitories after discussing the matter with the economic managers of both dormitories. Accommodated students can move within all CTU dormitories from the date specified in the Schedule od Accommodation (We are working on the English translation of the document.) for the current academic year (max. once per semester). If you have paid membership fees and you move from one CTU dormitory to another CTU dormitory, you must inform the administrator at the new dormitory. Your fee payment will be recognised and you will be connected to the internet at your new dormitory.

Can I reserve accommodation for the holidays?

Additional reservations for holiday accommodation are made within the dates specified in the “Schedule of Accommodation” for the current academic year, and all persons accommodated should do this using the ISKAM4 accommodation system. Only couples should make a reservation with the economic manager of the dormitory in which they want to reside during the holiday period.

How can I discontinue or terminate dormitory accommodation?

Pick up the form “Notice of Termination of Accommodation Contract” from your economic manager’s office. Fill it in and submit it to your economic manager. A Notice of Termination of Accommodation Contract should be submitted by 30 calendar days prior to the requested date of final accommodation at the latest. Upon leaving the dormitory, you will need to pay for accommodation up to the day of termination of Accommodation Contract, and your accommodation deposit payment shall be refunded to you (if you do not submit notice of termination and you end your accommodation, you will need to pay for your accommodation up to the date of departure from the dormitory, but your deposit payment will not be returned to you (this does not apply for the final 30 days your “Accommodation Contract” is in force, see below). If you want to leave your accommodation during the course of the last 30 days your contract is in force, you do not need to give any notice. You can terminate your accommodation during the last 30 days your contract is in force upon agreement with your economic manager, and when you leave your accommodation deposit payment will be returned to you. If you submit confirmation of the termination or suspension of your studies to the Accommodation Department, you will be permitted to immediately terminate your “Accommodation Contract” (without having to give advance notice), and you will also be returned your accommodation payment. Accommodated persons are required to resolve the aforementioned situations within three working days (inclusive), or else they will have to bear the consequences of not fulfilling this obligation.

Can I suspend or end my studies, but continue to live at the dormitory?

All accommodated students who end or suspend their studies need not leave their dormitory accommodation, but can instead ask for a change in their accommodation status to Price listo of Accommodation. The economic manager of your dormitory has application forms. Fill in the form, give the data of study termination – include confirmation from the university and submit it to your economic manager. The economic manager must add a statement to your application (whether you observed the Accommodation Contract while you were accommodated) and submit it to the Accommodation Department for processing. The application will be granted under these conditions for a minimum period of 30 calendar days (if the accommodated person requests such), or until the end of the current academic year at most.

Is there an internet connection at dormitories?

Connection to the academic network in the dormitories of the CTU is provided to members by the dormitory clubs of the CTU Student Union. In case of moving to another CTU dormitory, it is possible to transfer membership. More information can be found on the websites of the individual dormitory clubs.

How and where can I report faults at the dormitory?

Emergencies, i.e. leaking water, gas leaks, electricity outages, fallen windows etc. must be reported IMMEDIATELY to your dormitory’s gatekeeper/reception, and then via ISKAM4. Common faults, i.e. anything that is not an emergency and can wait until the next day should be reporting via the ISKAM4 accommodation system, which all accommodated persons have access to.

How and where should I report a theft or insurance claim?

If you discover a theft, call the Czech Police (phone no. 158 – free of charge). Do not move anything in your room! You should then report the matter to your economic manager and fill in the insurance company form. If you discover a matter which an insurance claim can be made on (all insurance events except for theft) you should report it to your economic manager and fill in the insurance company form.


How much do I have to pay for the dormitory?

The amount of payments for accommodation in CTU dormitories is governed by the valid price lists:

Dormitory Price List – applies only to students of Czech universities who prove their studies in accordance with accommodation documents.

Price List of Accommodation – applies to accommodated who have completed their studies (from the 4th working day after completing their studies); those waiting for bachelor's, follow-up or doctoral studies and graduates of universities; employees of companies cooperating with CTU in Prague and other categories listed in the given price list.

Price List of Accommodation for Employees of CTU in Prague - applies to employees of CTU, on the basis of a submitted application, which is recommended by the nearest high manager and confirmed by the personnel department of the relevant part of CTU.

​Where and how can I pay for the dormitory?

Payment for accommodation services and related fees are made via direct debits (inkaso), which are made between the 9th and 13th of standard months (the date on which debits are made to the accommodated person’s account must by the 15th day of a standard month at the latest). You can also make use of the on – line Upravit media GoPAY payment method . You can also pay by credit or debit card at one of our collection points. You cannot pay by cash.

Why should I set up a direct debit (inkaso) for paying my dormitory fees, and not make a standing order?

The dormitory fee will vary each month (because it is calculated based on the daily dormitory rate). A standing order can only be set up for a single fixed amount. If you want to make separate single payments, you will need to find out the amount of your dormitory fee for each month separately and make sure these are paid by the due date. If you pay an incorrect amount, or you make the payment after the due date, then a penalty of 25 CZK/day may be charged to you.

What should I do if I want to pay my dormitory fee using direct debits from my account?

Your first step should be to contact your dormitory’s economic manager to find out what upper limit it would be appropriate to set for your direct debit (calculated from 31 days of accommodation + electricity deposit + possible extra electricity and other charges). Ask your bank (this must be a bank in the Czech Republic) to set up a direct debit to the CTU SFA account: 27-4082130287/0100, Komerční banka, a.s., pobočka Praha 6, konstantní symbol/constant symbol 0308. Set up the direct debit frequency as once per month. Then you should enter your bank account number on our web interface, tick the box for direct debit (inkaso) payment, go to your dormitory’s economic manager who will check the correctness of the direct debit entry in ISKaM4.

What direct debit limit should I set up?

You need to set up a direct debit limit of at least your dormitory fees for 31 days. If you are going to be using other paid services provided at the dormitory, you will need to increase your direct debit limit by a suitable amount. We recommend setting up a direct debit limit of two months of dormitory fees.

Where can I find the variable symbol to identify my dormitory payments?

In order to pay for your accommodation and related charges, you need to give your variable symbol. You can find this in the ISKAM4 accommodation system in the “Basic Data” section.

What is a booking payment? How much is it and when do I have to pay it?

The booking payment is mainly designed to prove your interest in being accommodated at the dormitory. It also works as a returnable deposit. Students pay the booking payment to the amount given in the “Schedule of Accommodation” (booking payment). The date by which the booking payment should be paid is given in the same document.
The booking payment for the current academic year is set at a uniform amount for all types of accommodation at 3,500 CZK.

What is an accommodation payment and what is its amount?

After the accommodation has been assigned, upon signing the accommodation contract, the booking payment is changed to a so-called "accommodation deposit", which is 30 times the daily rate for the given specific accommodation (created by paying up to 30 times the daily rate of the accommodation price to the reservation deposit). The daily rate can be found in the respective price lists. If a student leaves the dormitory and returns the room in good order and also fulfils the condition of giving notice of terminating the accommodation contract, if relevant, this deposit is returned in full.

What do I need to pay before arriving at the dormitory?

Payment of your accommodation payment, insurance and electricity deposits in accordance with the List of Payments is required as standard, see and payment of your accommodation from the day you arrive at the dormitory until the end of that month. You accommodation is paid monthly, always by the 15th day of the month, in line with the relevant Price List. The financial cost of the first payments can be found here.

By when do I need to pay by dormitory fee?

You accommodation is paid monthly, always by the 15th day of the month, in line with the relevant price lists.


Do I need a visa for accommodation if I come from a country which the Czech Republic requires a visa from?

From students from countries which require a visa must have their visa number given in their passport.

What documents do I need to submit if I want to be accommodated in a dormitory?

A passport or biometric card plus a filled-in registration card.

What do I need to do if I want confirmation of accommodation provision for my application for a visa to the Czech Republic?

Foreign students from countries which need a visa who apply for accommodation in the ISKAM4 accommodation system and also ask for confirmation in order to extend their visa to the Czech Republic, or in order that a visa to the Czech Republic be set up, should tick one of the following directly in their dormitory accommodation application:
Those already in the Czech Republic applying for confirmation of accommodation in order to extend their visa to the Czech Republic.
Students can pick up their confirmation in person at the Accommodation Department, Vaníčkova 315/7, Prague 6, or upon agreement this can be sent to the address in the Czech Republic they list. They will also be sent information with a copy of the confirmation to the e-mail address given in the accommodation system.
Those who are in the process of applying for a visa to the Czech Republic.
The student should request confirmation by e-mailing ubytovani [at] cvut [dot] cz (ubytovani[at]cvut[dot]cz), and the document on accommodation provision will then be sent by the Accommodation Department by registered post to the address provided by the student, and they will also be sent information with a copy of the confirmation to the e-mail address given in the ISKAM4 accommodation system.

What do I need to do if I want confirmation of accommodation to extend by visa in the Czech Republic?

Foreign students from countries which need a visa who are currently accommodated at a CTU dormitory will receive accommodation confirmation in order to extend their Czech Republic visa directly from their dormitory’s economic manager. You will need to show your passport when you make your request for confirmation.

How much does confirmation of accommodation for visa purposes cost?

Confirmation of accommodation for visa purposes is subject to a charge for students outside CTU in line with the List of Payments.

INSTRUCTIONS on how to behave when bed bugs appear in the room


Centre for Information and Counselling Services CTU


Through all our activities, we support students in achieving success in their studies, professional, and personal lives. We aim to minimize the obstacles that students encounter during their studies, which affect the number of students who prematurely end their education.

The Centre for Information and Counselling Services at the Czech Technical University (CTU) was established in 2003 based on the initiative of students returning from foreign universities, where they had encountered counselling centres.

Information for All

We provide information to Czech and international students, prospective students, graduates, and the general public. We offer comprehensive information about studying at CTU, events at the faculties, provide contacts for relevant experts, and share practical information related to student life.

We offer assistance to incoming students in adapting to the new environment.

Counselling and Support

We offer all CTU students free access to a unique range of counselling services: academic, psychological, social-legal, spiritual, speech therapy, and coaching. Special emphasis is placed on addressing academically risky situations.

At the centre, we provide students with a safe environment where, in addition to information and professional counselling, they can find inspiration for their lifestyle, explore new areas of life, and gain skills that will help them in their professional and personal lives.

Events for CTU Students

Throughout the academic year, we organize events focused on competencies necessary for successful academic, professional, and personal life. These include acquiring proper study habits, supporting creativity, and personal development. All events are free of charge.


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